Monday, December 5, 2011

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mommy's sick

After a busy weekend mommy is sick now! Fever, sore thoart & everywhere feels hurt! So my 2 years old took care of me!

He gave me ice for my head yesterday, gave me water! This morning when we woke up I told him to go to see Popo coz I'm sick & he said, no baby stay with mama, mama sick baby stay with mama.' then few mins later he said mama baby be right back! He went out to get me a cup of water, then pet my hair asked 'mama feel betbet ( better) ?
Can't believe my baby grow up so fast, he can take care of me already! So touching!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

So sweet

I don't know where did he learn this from?! But today he suddenly got a 'ring' put on my finger & said 'ring for mama' then he hold both of my hands & told me ' now kiss baby' then he smiled & give a super big hug then said all done?!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Arr T the baby Pirate

Because Aunt Lily wants to have a pirate birthday party for Tyce we have to find baby an outfit! We finally got it from the mail, & T loves it!

1st day of Swimming Class

Summer is here! After last year he didn't like he's swimming class we are trying again! This time seems like he's little older & he liked it better! even cries when we have to leave the water!

Friday, April 22, 2011


Tonight after dinner, we had an accident! I saw his face & knew his pee in his pants! :( I thought we were done training this morning coz all day we went out he didn't have an accident, also he told me he needed to go?! But I guess I speak too early? Hm... :(

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 4 & 5 training

we went out on the weekend so T's using pull ups?! He poo-ed in the bathroom on Day3, but after all day going out he poo-ed on diaper on Day4?! But so funny he can control his pee he didn't pee @ all in his diaper when we go visit Snoopy, until he's done & he told me he needs to go when we got home but he already did it in his pull ups?! Do we really need to stay home all week to get this training done?! but today Day5, he's back to normal just go to bathroom when I told him to every 1hr30mins?! When will he start to tell me he needs to go?! hm...

Great America to meet Snoopy

Friday, April 15, 2011

Pictures got from T's frds

T's frd's mom scanned the picture we took in picture people before! since I always forget to get the pictures when we hang out! well, not everyone's smiling but at least everyone's looking right hahaha

Look @ those big cheeks Kylie's little sister Kristina! the parent wanna call her Kris for short but her BIG sister has her own idea! now she's Kr--na hahaha

Day3 diaper training

Hm... day 3 he still didn't have any poo?! no accident but she didn't poo for 3 days?! y?! is it just because he scare so he doesn't go poo?! What should we do now then?!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

1st day diaper training!

We are doing diaper training now! We will use underwear @ home & training diaper when we go out! hope T can tell me he needs to pee & poo by himself soon! Now I just have to keep ask him every hr!

Monday, April 4, 2011


This is fun

Dada's birthday!

We kept telling T it's dada's birthday, so today he said he need to put 2 candles on the cake, so he can blow 1 candle himself & 1 for dada! don't know since when T start to love to blow candle! He will ask me to buy him cake everyday coz he wanna blow candle!

I like this

Went shopping with Sindy & baby2 the other day! it's the 1st time I get into the bloomingdale mall's "family room" while we wait for Sindy feed baby Gib we had fun playing with the toys outside & also see a very interesting bathroom! baby peepee by himself & mama can pee next to him?! baby wash his own hand mama can wash her hand next to him?! so cute

T's new bath style!

This weekend Sindy & baby Gibson came stay with us from HI! We already throw away the baby bath tube, so we need to be very creative to take a baby with baby Gib! 1st night we try to take a bath with him in a bucket! 2nd night we try to take a bath with him in s swimming floater! Everyday after baby 2 (T said Gibson is baby2, he's baby1) took a bath, T will make me take a bath with him the same way that we took a baht with baby2! baby 1 & baby 2 r so cute together!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Crazy weekend

原來可以日日都有小朋友黎玩係好忙既! T竟然日日掛住玩兩日都冇 nap! 傻b!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Finally the sun is out!

After scary Tornado warning and heavy rain! We finally have 2 days of sun in SF & SM! We decided to hang out! 1st, we had to go to SF downtown to shop for dress shirts and dressy shoes for dada to go to his biz trip! look baby picked shoes for dada & waited to try on shoes!

We got up super early @ 4ish AM baby woke up crying & wanna go take dada to SFO! bye bye dada @ WFB then zzz then dada kissed him bye bye @ SFO, woke up bye bye dada again! After we got home to zzz again & baby suddenly say mama bring baby baby go dada bye bye! but when I look @ him, he's still sleeping! Poor baby!

But he pee-pee on the bed so mama was mad @ hm so mama didn't let him go out to get lunch! mama only got lunch togo for him, but he cried non stop! finally when mama got home he kept telling me "mama baby sor sor baby mess bed bed, baby bad bad." so mama finally bring him to get milk & veg @ Draeger's! We ride his bike to go shopping! Went to see fishes @ Japanese Park across st & went to get buck buck then he drove to Draeger's! Hope he really not going to pee in his bed anymore! =(

Friday, March 18, 2011

Tornado warning San Mateo?!

What can we do today? Raining like dog shit the trees r dancing outside!
Suppose we have a full day of playdate for T!

9:30am - Mcdondon play date with a Chinese boy we met there last month!
2pm - berkeley

But since Tornado warning, we cannot go anywhere! Tornado warning was expired @ 11:30am but outside still look very scary!

T: mama, baby go out?!
Me: cannot! (walk twd window) look it's scary outside!
T: hm... Rain! Wet! Yike!
Me: yeah, we cannot go anymore!
T just stands there not moving, 10 sec later

T locked on the window: rain go away!!! Rain go away!!! Baby go out!

Poor baby missed all his playdate coz the rain :(

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St patty's day!

Green Green Green....

T's busy green day!

@ Red Robbin!

I ordered a milk shake for me & him to share! Popo has a cup of coffee...

After we eat T haven't finish his shake so Popo was trying to "help" him finish?! while T was watching movie on iphone!

Popo drinking: I think someone's eyes look @ me?!
Me: huh? he's watching CARS
Popo: No I can feel someone is "bear-ing" me
Me looked @ T... he's eating apples & watching Movie

T: Popo Stop, it's mine!!!!

Me: wahahaha...
Popo return Milk Shake to T : I told u!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 16,11

After T's gym class @11:15

Me: baby r u hungry?
T: hm... Hunhun
(Hunhun = hungry)
Popo: what do u want to eat?
(normally T'll say something like boa boa 包包, min min 麵麵, fan fan 飯飯 type of answer)

T: hm... Baby go Santa
Me: Santa???
T: yes
Popo: huh? Do u know what is Santa?
T: hm mmm...
Popo: what is Santa?
T: Santa min min... Bb eat min min
Popo: bear...

When did he learn that the ramen place he likes is call SANTA???