Friday, March 18, 2011

Tornado warning San Mateo?!

What can we do today? Raining like dog shit the trees r dancing outside!
Suppose we have a full day of playdate for T!

9:30am - Mcdondon play date with a Chinese boy we met there last month!
2pm - berkeley

But since Tornado warning, we cannot go anywhere! Tornado warning was expired @ 11:30am but outside still look very scary!

T: mama, baby go out?!
Me: cannot! (walk twd window) look it's scary outside!
T: hm... Rain! Wet! Yike!
Me: yeah, we cannot go anymore!
T just stands there not moving, 10 sec later

T locked on the window: rain go away!!! Rain go away!!! Baby go out!

Poor baby missed all his playdate coz the rain :(

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